Transparent solar panels could replace windows and solve our energy needs in a sustainable way

Derya Ozdemir write a brilliant piece onbb bbg the power of transparen solar panels leading the charge in solvrongbthevwicked problem in providing energy in a sustainable way to drive growth .

Can we generate all the electricity we need from windows in offices, homes, car’s sunroof, or even smartphones using transparent solar panels ?

Can  this be a vehicle for the  clean energy revolution paving the way for net-zero energy buildings and help cities meet climate goals and targets. 

What is 'transparent solar energy'?

Transparent solar gathers and uses light energy through windows or any glass surface, regardless of the angle. It has the potential to be a game-changer in terms of broadening the scope of solar.

Photovoltaic glass is  a transparent solar concentrator, which absorbs specific UV and infrared light wavelengths that aren't visible to the naked eye and transform them into energy capable of powering electronics.

It’s happenning now 

The Copenhagen International School's design utilizes 12,000 hued but clear solar panels all over the building, producing 200 MWh of energy annually -- that's apparently more than half of the energy the building consumes. 

The Biomedical and Physical Sciences Building on the campus of Michigan State University was upgraded with the installation of 100-square-feet transparent solar glass panels which were situated above the building’s entryway. They will generate enough electricity to power the lighting in its atrium.

It's estimated that there are 5 to 7 billion square meters of glass surfaces in the United States. Imagine the sheer amounts of electricity that could be generated if we could tap into that power. 

Looking forward to sustainable growth over the next 30 years !