Qantas - a lesson in how not to treat its staff or customers

“QANTAS Executives grin as staff and customers grit their teeth “

A company is about its people 

It’s amazing how intellectual capital - people - are not valued on the balance sheet as an asset. 

Case in point Qantas!!!

Alan Joyce seems to be running the  airline not for customers and certainly not for the country, but for shareholders ….. which seems to be arse about face!!!!

Lack of empathy of its people and it’s customers have caused it  to have a rapidly deteriorating on-time performance - which in turn - ion my view - will not bode well for its shareholders .

Smart company had some interesting points to say about Alan Joyce and Qantas this morning - and it’s about his disregard of his team and people that have led to a trashed reputation, shocking customer service and apparent mayhem ….. embarrassing it’s people and it’s stakeholders .

“The loss of Qantas staff has tracked its decline from a respected airline to the butt of jokes. The fact that it now doesn’t have enough staff to answer phones, crew to fly planes, or workers for its outsourced baggage-handling operation is all completely on Joyce and his attitude of belligerent grievance toward the people who make the airline run day after day.”

“Yesterday, as travellers around the country and around the world waited for delayed or cancelled flights, wondered where their baggage had gone,”

In summary - It does not matter how shiny your planes are - unless you have a motivated team and delighted customers - you have zip!!! 

Some more about Qantas