Yarning Circle - #bbgforum - Sept 2021 talking the power of data , diversity and disability in the workplace

This Yarning Circles #BBGFORUM is super special - 

Peter Mousaferiadis talks about the power of data in measuring diversity in the workplace, and 

Chris Varney - founder of the ICAN network talking about a world beating Mentorship programme helping people with Autism.

The Yarning Circle #bbgforum  brainstorms ways in which WECAN

1. help to make your workplace more inclusive and engaging 
2. Help ICAN Network Mentor 2500 Mentees in a Year 

Watch this video to see why I am so excited enthused and engaged about this forum 

Here is the playlist of the forum

Here is a playlist of Last Month’s Forum as we explore what we can do to make our workplace a more safe and inclusive place and cater for people with Disabilities and Coolabilities and Capabilities in the workplace.

 (press the hamburger on the rhs of the video for the complete playlist )

I look forward to continuing the discussion with you at our Yarning Circle.

And this is what our DEI forum is about 

And this - Mark Champley - sharing what an acknowledgement to Country is about and what the mission of our Yarning Circle is 

This is the format and hoe the forum unfolded 

And here is a Classical Takeout from  our #bbgthinktank by Martin Stark

Dif the word disability and talk about different abilities and coolabilities 

How do we provide more support for adults with autism?

In Aboriginal language - there is no word for disability - they frame it as a capability 

To shift the mindset - we need to first 
Shift the language
Shift the mindset
Be more inclusive 

Amazed and inspired  at success of mentoring programme of ICAN

Great opportunity with ICAN and Westpac?

Aspiration to mentor 2500 mentees this year - a BHAG of note 

Karen - The importance of having a sense of safety in the workplace - where you can feel comfortable in being who you are. 

Wanda - Talk about the strengths and capabilities of people in schools - make sure that nobody is left behind

Chris V - in awe of the group

Martin - in awe of listening to Chris speak and what ICAN is doing 


Here is a LinkedIn Post of the Forum 

- Feel Feee to Comment 
