Safetyism at University - is it making us weak?

I listened to the Haidt lecture at Columbia University -

He talks about “ mollycoddling” and “safteyism”

as a bad thing - and that Universities should be a place of free speech.

My view 

It is very difficult to have free speech if there is hate speech - against a particular group - or not being able to feel “safe” about sharing your ideas .

I wonder how he would feel if he was “bullied” and ostracised because of the colour of his skin , or what he believed ?

“Walking on eggshells” is ok - maybe spend more time thinking of what you are going to say if it’s going to offend someone else - is not a bad thing !

He talks about the increase of anxiety and depression as a result of social media (a massive campus)  - social media is a place where there is free speech - and as a result - increased depression and anxiety - through bullying and feeling of inadequacy - specifically by females .

He seems to be contradicting himself (in a very articulate way!! 

He makes good Points

-  of people being more resilient as a result of adversity 

- And your body being more tolerant to peanuts if exposed to “bumyum” 

- and children being more resilient if exposed to danger 

- people become less resilient to things that they are not exposed to 

I do believe that I would rather be in an environment where I can feel “safe” about sharing my ideas - not based on what I look like or believe - but based on the validity of the idea.

I agree - you  need to feel challenged - your ideologies need to be challenged - and it’s not healthy to be in a space where you do not have to agree with everything - BUT you need to feel safe going into an adversarial situation 

I loved when he said - if someone builds a circle to exclude - build a bigger circle to include !

Just saying

We had an outstanding “Yarning circle” forum where we talked about the importance of the creation of a “safe space” in the workplace …. The stories of 3 amazingly articulate humans - 

Felipe Abade, Celia Sandhya Daniels and Samantha Webster followed by a Thinktank .

Feel free to listen

Would love  your feedback 

Ps - I loved the last 2 minute  snippet of his talk -