Flashtags - a great way to communicate your “hill dying status”

I have just read a great article from Dharmesh Shah - the founder of at Hubspot - that really resonated - and is a great #suggestion for my future communications ..... 

As most of you know, I have an opinion for everything - sometimes it is uninformed and not well researched. 


It may be something I read on the day that resonated - and want to share , as it may be useful 


It might be something that is controversial - and is not what I believe - but is written  well and made me think.


it might be something I really feel strongly about - have done an enormous amount of research on - and feel that it is essential for the well being and survival of the business.

How do you #hastag the communication to explain your position on that communication? 

Dharmesh Shah, founder of Hubspot,  uses a #FlashTag To Quickly Communicate his position of his “Hill Dying Status” (i.e. do I feel so strongly about this that it's a hill I'm willing to die on ? )

(The status can be “I don’t feel strongly at all” to the “I really, really feel strongly").

#fyi -- Had this thought/idea/article/video/whatever pass through my brain.  I haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it. You can read it or not. Act on it or not. No response needed or expected.

Hill Dying Status (am I willing to die on this hill): I don't even see a hill.

#suggestion -- Here's something I would do if I were you. But, I'm not you -- and you own this, so your call.  Just consider it and weigh it against other things you're considering. I won't be offended if you go another way. A quick reaction/response would be appreciated (so I can learn what kinds of suggestions are useful/valuable), but is not necessary.

Whatever you do, I am ok with 

Hill Dying Status: I saw the hill, but didn't feel strongly enough to commit the calories to climb it.

#recommendation (or #strongrecommendation)-- I've thought about this a lot. It's kept me up at night. I dug in. I think I understand the tradeoffs.  You can choose not to take the recommendation, and go your own way, but please do it for good reasons.  Please dig in a bit yourself and have a well-reasoned rationale for why you don’t want to take the recommendation. Please don’t ignore or dismiss it out of hand. A response (either way) is politely requested. If it's a #strongrecommendation then a response explaining why you're not taking it is probably a good idea.

Hill Dying Status: I climbed the hill.  I breathed deeply I contemplated my life. I walked back down.

#plea -- We don't like issuing edicts or directives at HubSpot. But...please, please, please just do this. Trust works both ways, and I need you to trust me on this.  If you still feel compelled to resist, something’s not right, let's chat. Maybe even in (gasp!) person.

Hill Dying Status: Dying on a hill is not on my bucket list, but if you do this - we probably gonna die


Thanks Dharmesh https://www.onstartups.com/

(FlashTags.org (it redirects to his article! ).