A Growing Tide of Evil: The Rise of Modern-Day Antisemitism and the Imperative to Combat It

It’s a few days before the anniversary of October 7 - and a time between 2 of the most important days in the Jewish Calendar , Rosh Hashannah and Yom Kippur. For me, it’s a period of reflection and setting future goals . 

This year I have been reading various articles and listening to podcasts about Israel, Middle East, Antisemitism and Demonstrations around the world….. and have been riding a roller coaster of many emotions - from despair to extreme hope !!! 

Throughout my life , I have been blessed - with me and my family not having to feel threatened by being Jewish - having not experienced Antisemitism of significance. 

I am a proud Jewish Australian 

We are immigrants to Australia and fiercely proud of being Australian - and everything that is Australian!

What is alarming is that Antisemitism is becoming increasingly normalized, creeping back into public discourse in ways alarmingly reminiscent of past atrocities. 

The proliferation of anti-Jewish sentiment is, in many instances, being treated with a casualness that mirrors the normalization of Nazism in the 1930s.

I believe that it is unacceptable to wave the Hezbollah flag or publicly promote the destruction of Israel. 

Such actions are not mere political statements; they represent a call for the systematic destruction of an entire people. A genocide!!!

The alarming explosion of antisemitism around the globe is of deep concern, particularly among Jewish communities in countries like Australia, where many Jews  now fear for their safety. 

One must ask: if the events of October 7—the heinous attack on Israeli civilians—had occurred on Australian soil, how would Australians respond? 

The answer in my opinion is clear: 

They would pursue justice against the culprits, whatever it took and however long it took, and do everything in their power that this would not happen again! 

Yet, when it comes to Israel’s right to defend itself and its basic human rights to life and security. international response seems muddled and hesitant.

What Israel is Confronting

The Israelis are confronting a death cult that manifests in groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, funded and directed by Iran! (See its leader’s speech below - a year after the Oct  7 massacre )

Criticism of Israel around the world and at Universities such as Columbia and Sydney has often devolved into naked antisemitism, equating Israel’s defensive measures with aggression while ignoring the true nature of its adversaries. 

The Iranian regime, with its proxies Hezbollah and Hamas, seeks to acquire nuclear weapons with the express goal of committing genocide against Jews - from the river to the sea! 

This isn’t an abstract fear but a stated objective, a chilling echo of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis.

This objective of theirs became abundantly clear and visible on October 7 which the leader of Iran saying that this was a legitimate right to self determination.

Despite this, voices in the international community, including some within the U.S. administration, have called for restraint. 

Yet, can restraint be a reasonable response when your survival is at stake? 

Israel’s actions in Lebanon are not aimed at aggression of the Lebanese, but at liberating the country from the grip of Hezbollah.

Israel’s actions in Gaza are not aimed at aggression of the Palestinian people but at liberating Gaza from the grip of Hamas.

Both Hezballah and Hamas  are an extension of Iran's malign influence. 

The same critics who decry Israel’s right to self-defense often overlook the reality: if these terror groups were to succeed, they would pursue a genocidal agenda.

Do our Students and Greens realise who and what they are demonstrating for ? 

Modern-day antisemitism has infiltrated even the most progressive circles. Young people on university campuses, searching for a cause, chant for an "intifada" don’t  fully grasp the implications. 

They are calling for actions that, if visited upon their own communities, would evoke universal horror. 

Imagine this Horror 

Imagine rockets raining down on your city, or armed men brutally attacking your neighborhood, murdering thousands in cold blood, including your children.

Imagine being on your knees at a dance festival, watching your best friends brutally shot in cold blood. You beg for your life as your fate is being debated, only to be shot at point-blank range, the force of the blast causing your face to melt away!.

If that happened in New York or Sydney, would these students still rally for the perpetrators? Would they still be allowed to demonstrate in the city - shouting “from the river to the sea - and long live the antifada!”

Many who advocate for the end of Israel under the guise of Palestinian liberation fail to understand the consequences of their stance. 

They would be endorsing a modern genocide, handing victory to groups whose ideologies are indistinguishable from the Nazis'. 

Hezbollah, Hamas, and their backers in Iran are clear in their intentions: they seek to finish the work that Adolf Hitler began.

The wave of antisemitic sentiment sweeping through campuses and social movements reveals a disturbing rot in contemporary culture. 

It is characterized by a nihilistic embrace of hatred, resentment, and the celebration of death. 

There needs to be a shift  of this Perspective amongst our beautiful Children 

A perspective  that values pride over envy and gratitude over resentment. 

The enemies of Israel—Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian regime—do not seek peace or co-existence; they seek destruction and the genocide if the Jewish people.

The atrocities committed on October 7, followed by the continued aggression, reveal their true nature. 

These organizations must be defeated, just like the Nazis who sought the annihilation of Jews before them.

In facing this evil, democracies around the world must recognize that the fight for Israel is a stand against nihilism and the death cults that celebrate terror. 

If Israel is to defend itself, it must do so with determination and the support of those who cherish freedom, peace, and human dignity.

I am proud to be a Jew and I am proud of what Israel has achieved since 1948.

As a Jew , I am proud of the young Israelis fighting,  not out of hatred but out of love for their land, their people, and their traditions. 

They know that the 7 million Jews in Israel  have nowhere else to go, and they are willing to stand up, defend their nation, and endure what it takes to ensure their survival.

A loss of innocence 

This was a piece written by my daughter on October 8 last year

My wish for the New Year 

May Israel see peace with their neighbours in my lifetime!

Give Peace a Chance 

For peace to be achieved , their needs to be an acceptance that there are 7 million Jews in Israel and they have a right to exist and self determination .

For peace to be achieved , their needs to be an acceptance that there are 7 million Palestinians  in the region and they have a right to exist and self determination .

May  both Israelis and Palestinians have leaders that encourage their people to recognise each others rights to exist in peace and prosperity 

Borders between neighbours become irrelevant when neighbours respect each other and accept each other’s rights to exist! 

Am YIsrael Chai  - Long Live Israel 

This speech by Foreign Minister of Jordan and Prime Minister of Israel makes me hopeful

Every day - one of the Jews main  prayers is 
“Oseh  Shalom Bimromav - let their be peace in Israel and the whole world “

They say that October 7 never happened 

And this is a message to the people of Iran and to its proxies by Ayatollah Khomeini on Friday oct 4 2024 - for peace to happen - this perspective has to be changed ! 

- Heinous crimes of October 7 - Lawful
- Lebanese Rockets against Israel - Lawful 
- Iranian attack against Israel- Lawful 
- Calling for people to be as one to eradicate Zionists and 7 million Jews from area 
-Calling Israel a blood thirsty  Zionist  criminal entity 
- saying that Iran’s responsibility to eradicate Zionists from area will be fulfilled 
Is this Ok ? 
Does Israel have the right to defend itsel from this  Hateful regime? 
Will this regime and its proxies ever recognise Israel’s rights to exist

This is a fight of good vs evil - Australian news presenter standing up for what she believes is right 

Douglas Murray slander anti Israeli protestors on the anniversary of  the Ict 7 massacre 

Douglas Murray slams anti Israeli protesters in Australia supporting Terrorists
 - they  are Terrorist sympathisers - 
Supporting the same people as the Bali Bombers! 
