What of the 17 global goals that can be achieved by 2030?

Bill Gates and Bjorn Lomborg in their latest blog post points out  that the 17 UN Goals made in 2016 to be achieved in 2030 (we are halfway) of 

  • reducing  extreme poverty and hunger, 
  • fix climate change 
  • Improve  education, 
  • reduce inequality and corruption

is not going to be achieved as we are unlikely to find $10 trillion more each year  to be reached . 

So how do we chunk those goals ?

 How do we swallow the frog? 

What are  the best goals that will do the most good that we can achieve —the investments that will do the most good with the funding that’s available.? 

They identify 12 goals that will give a 52X ROG 

  • improve the conditions around births can save the lives of 166,000 mothers and 1.2 million newborns each year - 5b pa
  • agricultural research and development for the poor would reduce malnutrition, help farmers thrive in a warming climate, and drive down food costs— $5b pa delivering long-term benefits worth $184 billion annually. (37X return) 
  • Efforts to prevent tuberculosis and malaria, immunize more children, improve education, and strengthen land ownership rights.

 How to achieve a 52X return on  Giving (ROG) 

An investment of $35 billion per year (in 2023 dollars) between now and 2030 into the above  12 policies would save more than 4 million lives a year by 2030 and generate annual economic benefits worth $1.1 trillion for low- and lower-middle income countries, generation a return of roughly 52 X the investment.

Let’s help  save lives and help people escape extreme poverty. 

Let’s focus on the Global Goals that will give the most bang for the buck and accomplish the greatest good.