"Will ChatGPT eliminate traditional universities?.”
My view is no
Universities will eliminate traditional universities
Universities will be disrupted because it is antiquated , inefficient and redundant - much like streaming video disrupted video stores
Universities inefficient and redundant
As Kartik says it’s like the emperor walking around with no clothes! https://youtu.be/H5UsVI39CVM
We need to get away from the scarcity, brick and mortar thinking . Education needs to scale and our fellow human deserves the best - whether rich or poor - and education and information can be disseminated cheaply yo the masses . Society prospers when education is ubiquitous - Students around world should have access to all content.
ChatGPT will be a conduit to make this happen
“Learning will be a hybrid of online , AI technologies for and
” in person and in class “ for the 6cs of connecting , collaborating, contributing ,continuity and building competency and community - through interaction and mentoring.”
A possible future?
Organisations and educational institutions that will survive and thrive will be those that will collaborate with each other and issue degrees, certifications and knowledge while the employee (or lifelong learner ) is employed .
Education will be paid by the employer !! And delivered by the employer
Inspired by an international collaboration
The genie’s out of the bottle. It’s hard to remember that ChatGPT was released just 2.5 months ago.
Yes. I say that unless someone is old enough + wealthy enough to not care, everyone young and old should be at least 100 hours into their ChatGPT usage and acclimitisation at this point. Anything less, and you could fall behind. Whether this involves writing, document production, software production, even circuits (another frontier), I believe that everyone has to 'put in the reps'. This is not just for ChatGPT (which is just a 'chat' wrapper interface on the GPT-3 engine that has been out for 31 months), but in terms of making your usage of AI tools second-nature. There will be as many tools after ChatGPT as there were for web browsers after the Netscape browser in 1995.
As I often say to people, you may not be interested in AI, but it is interested in you.
You can't afford not to. To be behind is like staying in cash vs. being in the S&P 500.
If you are behind, clock 10 hours in the next week, and go from there.
The whole concept of Copyright is under threat, as producing something substantially different under current testing standards of Copyright now takes little effort.
In education, written assignments like essays are now going to be untenable. Even if the student doesn't use ChatGPT, there will be service providers operating out of other countries that will sell a submission-worthy assignment for $5. When you have 1 million schoolkids a week doing this worldwide, that temporarily becomes a big business. Education has to reinvent itself, but the current costs of school, college, etc. are clearly on the precipice of a long-overdue shatterpoint.
At the same time, there was a debate about using calculators vs. doing long division by hand, and using log tables for square roots. ChatGPT and other tools are just tools that automate, and the workforce will use them to automate rote tasks (article writing, press releases, legal demand letters, etc.)
On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 03:21:02 PM PST, 'David Michaelis' via i4j Leadership Forum <i4j@i4jsummit.org> wrote:
Copyright is not part of the Algorithm…
Is it part of syllabus?!
Some of IK takeouts from Kartik’s video https://youtu.be/H5UsVI39CVM
Get rid of 10:40 Pernicious activities / fluff - Status /prestige /for parents /
Dissemination of info was classrooms and libraries -now Accessible globally
On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 at 04:02:50 PM PST, Herman Gyr <gyr@enterprisedevelop.com> wrote:
Earlier today, I had three conversations with Swiss friends who have kids. I asked each of them whether their kids were using ChatGPT. Every one of them said “yes.”
In one case the daughter came home with a request from a teacher to deepen a particular topic in a major “Matura” paper she was working on. She was a bit flummoxed by the request (something related to AIDS). So she asked ChatGPT for answers. She then sat down with her father and had a conversation about what she found, and based on that conversation wrote the requested homework. (Do you think the teacher realizes what happened? If not, she soon will. And then what? How will she adapt her request?)
In another case, the father interviewed his son to help him figure out what to study at university. They created flipcharts about his interests, his talents, etc. They then picked three areas where there was a high degree of correlation between interest and aptitude and started interacting with chat GPT. In the end, they found an agreeable direction for the son’s career, the universities that might be particularly relevant, and internships that might be helpful as preparation for these universities. They ended the session with fully crafted applications to a number of internship opportunities that had been identified by ChatGPT - in Switzerland!!!
The genie’s out of the bottle. It’s hard to remember that ChatGPT was released just 2.5 months ago.
If this is what kids are doing in Switzerland, it’s got to be going on everywhere!
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 14, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Curt Carlson <curt@practiceofinnovation.com> wrote:
Yes indeed but boy for teaching it is already a game changer. It is a wow. I think Marc’s hope for the future of experiential education just got a lot closer. It did for my teams.
On Feb 14, 2023, at 1:12 PM, 'David Michaelis' via i4j Leadership Forum <i4j@i4jsummit.org> wrote:
Good timely warning ⚠️.
There are some warnings !
On Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 5:40 am, Mei Lin Fung <mlfung@gmail.com> hoghlighted some warnings from Vint Cerf :
What chatgpt has to say
Current solution plusses:
- Traditional universities offer a diverse range of programs and courses.
- Traditional universities offer a social and networking experience that can be valuable for students.
- Traditional universities have established accreditation and reputation that is recognized globally.
Current solution minuses:
- Traditional universities can be expensive and not accessible to all students.
- Traditional universities may have limited enrollment and can be competitive to get into.
- Traditional universities may not always keep up with rapidly changing industry trends and job market demands.
A new 10X better solution with plusses:
- The new solution is accessible to all students, regardless of their financial background, location, or other barriers to entry.
- The new solution incorporates personalized, real-world projects and collaborations with industry leaders to better equip students with relevant skills and experiences.
- The new solution leverages AI and other advanced technologies to create an interactive and engaging learning experience that adapts to the unique needs and learning styles of each student.
A new solution with few negatives:
- The new solution may require significant investment in technology and infrastructure to support an interactive and engaging learning experience for all students.
- The new solution may pose a challenge to maintain consistency across different student experiences and ensure that all students receive a high-quality educational experience.
- The new solution may not offer the same level of social and networking experience that traditional universities offer.
Yes but: To address the technology and infrastructure issue (negative #1), the new solution can leverage cloud-based platforms and tools to reduce the cost and complexity of building and maintaining an advanced learning platform. Additionally, partnerships
with industry leaders and other institutions can help fill the resource gap and provide personalized guidance and support for each student.
Yes but: To address the consistency issue (negative #2), the new solution can incorporate regular feedback and quality control mechanisms to ensure that all students receive a consistent and high-quality educational experience. This could involve regular check-ins
with faculty mentors and industry partners to review student progress and ensure that they are on track to achieve their learning objectives.
Yes and: To address the social and networking issue (negative #3), the new solution can incorporate virtual and in-person events and activities to help students connect with each other, faculty, and industry leaders. This could involve online communities, mentorship
programs, and other initiatives to foster a sense of belonging and support among students.
Impossible but: It is unlikely that ChatGPT will completely eliminate traditional universities. While the new solution may offer some advantages over traditional universities, there will always be a demand for in-person, on-campus experiences that offer a sense
of community and social interaction. However, the new solution can complement traditional universities and offer an alternative or additional learning experience for students.
Curtis R. Carlson, Ph.D.
"Our most important innovation is the way we work."