- Cars trains Planes
- Phone
- Tv
- Glasses
- Computers Hardware /software
- The Web - collecting knowledge and Social Media - connecting with each other (AORTA- Always-On-Real-Time Access)
- Ai and Chatgpt (Generative AI—just beginning).
All of the above is what Mark Prensky calls “our new body parts”
- that adds new capabilities to people
- that amplify and allow more of “it” in every direction.
There will be many other inventions and breakthroughs over the years to come .
One thing that we can manage and should stay constant is our human behaviour and values
As a sage once said
"Treat your fellow being the way you want to be treated" and "Do no harm" everything else is commentary
See a great post on chatgpt https://marcprensky.substack.com/p/generative-ai-and-our-kids