Solar eclipse yesterday October 25, 2022

 The video was filmed inside the Arctic Circle, just between the borders of Canada, Alaska and Russia.  It only took a few seconds to photograph a truly breathtaking landscape in every sense of the word.  This phenomenon is only visible once a year for 35 seconds;  The moon appears in all its glory to the point that it seems to collide with the earth, and immediately after that a total eclipse of the sun occurs for only 5 seconds during which it suddenly becomes dark and light returns.  This phenomenon only occurs at the point of perigee (the point where the moon is closest to the earth), and then we can see the great speed with which it moves, Glory to Hakadoch Barouh hou, what a beauty, what  precision is sublime and grandiose
 Thank you hakadoch Barouh hou for the beauty and perfection of your creation.