It is our Jewish New Year today - where our story tells us that this is the time where we are “inscribed in the book of life” (or not) over the next 12 months ….. is this a time to reflect on the way we treat each other or each thing around us?
As a great sage said - “the #Talmud” is a bunch of stories that teaches us that we need to treat our neighbour like we should be treated.”
I came across 2 posts that had an extreme impact on me.
One from Shima Teheri - who shares the cruelty of how one group of a country (males) treat another group (females)
Another is a #tedx post in Sydney by Damon Gameau sharing the power of “story” - and how our story that we tell ourselves can change the course of our collective lives
“No one” or “no thing“ should ever have to live under the domination of another, whether on grounds of race, religion, species or gender
We have got to change our story that we tell ourselves - that shape up our behaviours.
Humans are not seperate and distinctive to nature - or each other .
We are guests of this fragile rock and we should treat “every thing” and “every one “ the way we want to be treated !!
With dignity and respect
Are we superior to nature ? Nature and our children are telling us that we are not !!
What you can measure you can manage - how do you measure success ?
With money 💴 💰?
Or with how you live and leave your environment ?
We need to change our story methinks !!
How is our story going to end - a Hollywood happy ending or with a bang or whimper ?
We have the opportunity - and indeed we have the obligation to rewrite our story to make the world a better place!
What do you think?
I wish you a Happy New Year and may you and yours be inscribed in the book of life! 🍎 🍯
#success #change #opportunity #environment #respect #gender #power #bbgforum