About the Global Climate Action Forum

This forum started in Aug 21 and have some amazing humans in it https://bbgforum.com.au/forum/global-climate-action-forum/

The pulse is “To create a generational legacy for our great grandchildren and leave the planet in a better way than we found it.”


The Mission: “To build a community of Members (the choir) – who will get to klt (know like and trust ) each other over time – those who are passionate about climate action and want to make a difference – with a view to take people who are not in the choir to be inspired to take action – when it comes to to climate.

We meet every alternate Friday for an hour and have a public forum every 3 months 

Here is a playlist of our meetings - split into snippets 

You will find them fascinating and you will get a flavour of the members of the group 


Here is an expo of our last forum in Oz 


And in USA


We will be holding a series of investor forums - connecting sustainable investments to money - will keep you informed.

And a series of thought provoking forums with a view to learning , collaboration and sharing strategies on how to make our businesses, communities and our humans on this fragile rock 🌎 become more sustainable .