Find your purpose with 2 easy questions

Heather E. McGowan always finds a way to make concepts easy to understand and provides practical ways to take action.

She shares a great article by Darius Fox

The secret of success you need 2 things ..... 

1. identify what you are passionate about.... what’s your purpose 


2. focus on your strengths. 

In life, it’s all about figuring out what your tool is and where you can put it to work effectively.

How do you find that out? ..... simple says Heather McGowan - ask 2 questions...

  1. What am I good at 
  2. Do I enjoy it

When you identify one and answer yes to 2 - 💥 boom!

Rose Kattackal shares another tool

Simple and very effective. writes one's strengths and then match it  to what problem/challenge it may solve. A key ingredient  is to actually enjoy using their strengths to solve those problems.

Mike Drak believes that we are all part of some kind of master plan and that each of us has been created for a reason. Each of us has been given unique skills, abilities, and a special mission that needs to be fulfilled; and until we find out what that special purpose is and start working on it, we will never feel complete. He has finally figured out mine and life has never been better!