Goldie Chan - the Oprah Of LinkedIn - her 8 gems of building a brand

Goldie Chan shares how she built a brand - posting on linked in - one video at a time - becoming the “Oprah of LinkedIn”

With 500 daily consecutive videos under her belt, a global audience and over four million views she shared with us here the 8 gems she learned along the way 

1. Be consistent and persistent - do it daily

By creating a video (good or bad) every single day, I was able to learn editing, network with other creators and build an audience that grew over 1900%. You become the expert

Be sure to keep on keeping on 

2. You will have Haters and that’s ok 

You will get the haters and those that abuse you publicly and privately - that’s ok !!! 

Jonathan Foltz, founder of Pitch Investors Live puts it best, “If you don’t have enough people talking about you,  both good and bad, you have yet to make a big enough splash.” 

Tip :- acknowledge the criticism if it’s valid and ask the hater for more information – thus turning a “bad experience” into a “learning experience.”

3. Build Your Community.

Identify your target demographic and engage with them directly. Be crystal clear who your target market is, and be sure you speak to them on their terms.

Be sure to personally like and respond to comments.

Tip:- Set up groups  or chat threads and invite at least five people into the group. Be sure to ask before inviting a person to a group 

4. Be comfortable in your own skin

The people who truly make an impression are the ones who follow their guts and chase their own truths. It’s ok to be different. embrace it 

5. Relationships Matter.

Relationships are key in any business or transaction. A strong relationship helps build know like and trust .... and people do business with those that they know like and trust. Building relationships take time and its a 2 way process.

6. Be passionate in what you do 

Make sure you love what you do, and why you are doing it and do it with passion. People will know when you are just doing things on automatic! 

When feeling down, go back to the compliments and the positive feedback of your community and remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing! 

7. Partner with brands 

Working with the right brands will help elevate and grow your brand – both in follower numbers and general brand awareness. 

As a Global Ambassador for WeWork, Goldie was able to leverage both their space and brand name to create community-building experiences. 

From her work with London & Partners, she was able to visit 10 Downing Street and learn about the entrepreneurship ecosystem directly from the top-ranking founders in London.

Tip:- be sure to respect their brands from timelines to colors to approved hashtags and words... and get all communication pre-approved 

8. Don’t say YES to everything - say No more 

When you start out, you say yes to everything – every phone call, every podcast, every collaboration and nearly every meetup or speaking engagement

Saying no and choosing the right opportunities carefully is key . Say no to branded content that does not align with your brand (or demographics) and no to collaborations where You do not have the time.

Join the creatives, entrepreneurs and CEOs who follow Goldies award-winning content on LinkedIn.  Reach out to her at to learn how she can help you grow your personal brand.