Lena Elkins shares with us 14 tips on how to create a high converting sales page - what are some of your gems?
You'd be surprised at how even the most experienced marketers sometimes fail in creating an effective sales page. We give the foolproof recipe
It’s no secret that the sale is every business’ most coveted conversion, but what remains shrouded in mystery is a foolproof recipe for a kick butt sales page resulting in endless transactions. Lucky for you, the wait is over as I’ll take you hand in hand, step-by-step through the complete anatomy of a high converting sales page. If you’re new to this and find yourself intimated by the name, don’t be! A high-converting sales page is simply a stand-alone web page created with one specific purpose in mind – turning visitors into customers fast. And while the product or service you’re selling may differ depending on your industry or niche, your page’s purpose of securing sales remains constant.
Before we jump into the most exciting facets of the sales page, there is some internal emotional work that needs to be done. This work will allow you to correctly align with the core values of your business, resulting in trust-based transactions every single time. Before creating the physical sales page, you’ll need to reflect on the following fundamental ideas:
Identify Your Who
The best way to get the right clients in the door is to paint a clear picture of the one specific person you’re going to be selling the product or service to. Constantly ask yourself if that person would resonate with what and how you’re selling. Avoid trying to appeal to everyone because the bottom line is that when you’re trying to resonate with everyone you resonate with no one.
Become One With Your Why
While it’s okay to be money-motivated, it’s crucial to be propelled by purpose, AKA your ‘why.’ Get clear on your values as well as how your product or service embodies them, and ultimately delivers them to your clients. In a recent interview with Forbes, the Founder of Vanderbloemen Search Group, William Vanderbloemen shared the results of a study that showed that “companies with teams focused on their organization’s purpose had annual growth rates nearly three times the annual rate for their entire industry.”
Get Emotional
One of the most valuable strategies when it comes to winning over the business of potential clients is evoking an emotional response which will cause them to take action. Customers only take action when stimulated emotionally, and speaking specifically to one person makes it easier for them to feel whatever emotions you are playing on. Now that we’ve gotten the foundation covered, it’s time to roll up those sleeves and start building your page part by part!
#1 Attention Grabbing Image
At the beginning of your page, the very first thing that you want to have an image that will not only grab your readers’ attention but also get them to “future trip.” The photo should be one that triggers thoughts like, “If I had this program, my life would be like this” or “If I buy this product I can achieve X goal.” Because the internet is so convoluted it’s hard to get the spotlight, so a clear and catchy image is key.
#2 Putting this button at the beginning of your page
This is specifically intended for people who have already visited your page and are finally ready to commit. You never know how many time someone has already visited the page, so it’s important to have the opportunity there to buy for the fast-action customers.
#3 Bold Statement
At this point you’ll want to grab their attention again with a controversial statement or question. This will shock readers in a good way and get them curious and hungry for more information on your product or service. Another helpful tool you can implement into your sales page is Proof. This is a software that displays recent sales notifications on your sales page, allowing people to see that your services are hot and in demand.
#4 Show Them You Know Who They Are
People love to keep reading when they feel like you’re speaking (specifically) to them in a flattering matter. Using bold statements, express that you understand who they are. An example of that is “You’re ambitious, brave, and open-minded. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be reading this right now.” You want them to read it and think, “Wow, they are speaking to me. They getme.”
#5 Sympathize With Them
People feel much more connected to entrepreneurs and business who communicate messages such as “I’m on your team” and “It’s not your fault.” It’s important to compliment potential clients, making them feel understood while highlighting that they’re not on this path alone.
#6 Future tripping
The key here is getting specific with them as to how their life will look after investing with you. This verbal imagery will give them inspiration, motivation and excitement to keep reading.
#7 How it’s possible
It’s at this point in your sales page where you’ll offer your product or service, and outline how you will help people achieve their goals. It’s important to also include a buy button at this point because it’s possible that someone will be ready to buy already.
#8 Testimonials
Testimonials are social proof that you’re a credible and trustworthy business, and makes the decision process of investing with you easier for potential clients. You should have at least 5-10 testimonials on your site and they should spread out through your page. Everyone likes digesting content in different ways so be sure to have testimonials in video form and others paired with a photo. One study found that including an image of the customer next to their testimonial boosted conversions by %102.5!
#9 Short Bio About Your Business
Include a few paragraphs about yourself, and your business paired with a photo of yourself or you and your team. This will give people a peek of the person behind the brand and why you created it in the first place.
#10 What You Will Get and What You Will Walk Away With
Detail the specifics of the offer and what someone will physically receive working with you. Including a bonus that they can opt in to is also a helpful addition. When detailing what someone will walk away with, you’re describing how their life will change working with you.
#11 FAQ’S
FAQ’S are essential at this part of your page as people have already read through everything and are either sold or have questions. Here you can proactively address questions without anyone having to reach out to you first.
#12 UGC
UGC is User Generated Content and usually comes is the form of Facebook comments, website reviews or Tweets. Sharing screenshots of these comments resonates with people on a way deeper level because they know people have shared these reviews on their own accord.
#13 Feeling On The Fence?
Here is your final opportunity to push people to your side of the fence in a gentle and loving way. Here you also want to re-visit the ‘why,’ and remind people of how they’re going to achieve the lifestyle that they really deserve
#14 Book a call
The final part of your sales page is where you’ll prompt people to get on a call with your sales team to close the deal. Another important thing to note is that any special offer you’re running on your sales page must have deadline or timer. If people feel no sense of urgency they will never buy. The tool I recommend is Deadline Funnel which is a visual timer for your sales page.
By studying and implementing each of these 14 steps you will be able to create your very own impactful and high-converting landing page. Good luck.
Lena Elkins is a Business & Marketing Coach, international speaker, influencer, and a member of the elite Forbes Coaches Council. Specializing in digital marketing, copywriting, sales funnels, and personal branding, Lena takes a no-BS approach to breaking through major barriers and reaching accelerated success for her clients. Lena has been featured in over 100 media outlets worldwide and hosts the popular Facebook group, Millennial Go-Getters. Originally from San Francisco, Lena now resides in Tel Aviv.