We had a great knowledge share by the legendary Monica Graham on what’s more important in a business - culture or strategy? - and came up with some interesting insites - or what I call “gems”
During the talk , I was thinking of the well known quote on thoughts and destiny
- Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
- Watch your words, for they become actions.
- Watch your actions, for they become habits.
- Watch your habits, for they become character.
- Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
What you think about in your business becomes the actions you take, and those actions lead to your business habits, which go on to shape how you conduct business (your business character).
And that shapes your business destiny.... and ultimately your business culture.
As a business , we need to be very careful about what you as a Business think about and focus on.
In our BBG Thinktank that followed - facilitated by BBG facilitator, Judith Rose Max , the answer we came to after much discussion and collaboration was
Leadership eats strategy and culture for breakfast
Have you thought about where your business wants to be in 6 months, a year, or 5 years?
Have you thought deeply about how to get there?
Have you thought about what type of culture you need in your business in order to set yourself up for success next year?
What is leadership?
The 4 steps are
1 Role Model
2. Fostering Understanding and Conviction
3. Develop talent and skills.
4 Reinforce with formal mechanisms
- Systems and processes are key
- Have formalised Onboarding sessions
- Continuous training is key
- Have formalised accountability sessions
- Share wins
- Reinforce your culture
- Get your team to use the tools that you have (Referron or hubspot or salesforce or Act ) .
- Reward and recognise outstanding behaviour
“the importance of living above the line”
- Where cash is king
- Act now
- Be accountable
- Challenge and respect
- Have clear discussions and outcomes and
- Be fit for purpose