9 customer service gems

Aakif Kadiwala

It’s all about the customer. And you need to develop relationships with them and grow the klt factor with them 

(Know like and trust) 

Below are 9 tips on building trust and providing amazing customer service .

1) Timely Response

If you are unable to complete the task in time , you should at least let them know ASAP that you have noted their request and arrange for a timeline to complete the task. 

2) Regular Update - communicate 

Let your clients know what you’re working on and how things are progressing.

If you are experiencing trouble in the work, let them know. 

Revise their requirements and let them know you are dedicating your time for them. 

Communicating the problems will allow your clients to know the possible reason of delay.

Show people that you care and a lot can be forgiven 

3) Fix your Mistakes

Transparency is important in any business.

If your client notifies about an error made by YOU, take responsibility and  Fix It!

If a client wants understanding or clarification about the details of a project, you should take some time to explain it to them thoroughly, and avoid future misunderstanding..... communicate 

4) Listen your Client

Listening is Best part of the communication
Listen and understand what their needs are, and then offer your suggestion/ideas in the best way to fulfill their needs

Understand what clients are saying and ask for clarifications on things in detail that might be ambiguous.

Customers may be new to specific wordings and language , and what you think they mean may be diverse to what they really mean.

Listen has same words as silent 

5) Keep Your Promises

Honoring your commitments is very important. Do what you say you will do 

If you said you’re going to do something, make sure you keep your word. It’s professional. 

If you need more time or resources, let them know as soon as possible and not after you’ve already missed the deadline.

6) Try to find Solution of any Confusion

Try to explain whatever the problem is, it is best as you do can with clarity and simplicity 

Use analogies that are relevant to them..

7) Ability to say No

You try to make a policy to say “yes” every time. Only because of below fears :

  • Fear of losing a client
  • Fear of a bad reputation
  • Fear of hurting feelings

There are MANY things to which you should state “Yes”, yet in the event that you have a hunch and that what you are being requested to do is beyond limits, it may be an ideal opportunity to haul out the “No” card.

You must have to learn art of saying “NO” and keeping a Clients happy.

8) Patient

Maintain professionalism at all times.

If you feel like the clients are overstepping their boundaries, let them know in a cordial and professional manner.

9) Update Yourself continual education 

You have to keep yourself up-to-date with the profession and always be prepared to answer questions your client needs to know.

What are some of yours ?