6 great tips on how to land your ideal job

Great tips from Kathryn Dill from Forbes

75pc Of recruiters use social media to resource talent

1. Your profile

  • Update your profile 
  • Be consistent 
  • Share what you have accomplished and what your strengths are and what
  • Most importantly - what  you can offer people and why they should employ you 
Put your profile on all major social media - don’t share your facebook !

Never say on social media that you are e looking for a job 

2. Network - be engaged

  • Follow, like or network with companies you want to be engaged with - make sure that their values align with yours . 
  • Do your research on those influencers of those companies  - connect with them - show them what you can offer.
  • Which groups do they belong to. Connect with them face to face and on social media 
  • You capability and professional quals will just get you a place in the queue. You need to offer them more than your profession and knowledge of the job at hand  - but what you can add as a person
  • Find the industry specific forums and alumni groups and join them . Attend their events.

Make connections with the right people - and share your statuses and posts with them - showing that you can help them to be the college of knowledge if they employ you .

Show people that you care - give people what they want and you will get what you want 

3. Be known as a resource 

  • Be active, like articles, give advice, share knowledge, give ideas, refer and connect their people 
  • refer
  • act with a spirit of generosity 

4. Make a plan - do one task at a time 

5. Revamp and rejuvenate your job search and continue to upskill and learn 


Find out where recruiters are looking and put your CV there - not only on job boards 

Look to continually upskill, collaborate and learn with leaders in your industry - in Australia - this can be government funded .

Look at doing a Diploma of Business course, which will give you strategies on how to 10X a business. http://bsilearninginstitute.com.au/bsi-course/diploma-of-leadership-and-management-bsb51915/

Look at doing a Diploma of Leadership and Management which will hone your leadership and management skills - and give you a point of difference in the marketplace. 


6. Find out who the hiring companies and relevant recruiters in your industry on social media - 

  • connect with them, 
  • create a relationship, communicate and network with them.