Is property investment still a powerful wealth creation strategy in Australia?

Musings of Ivan Kaye 

This morning , I read an interesting article on Property Investing by James Gerard in The Australian this morning..... 

Which got me thinking ..... Is property investment still a powerful wealth creation strategy in Australia?

My view is yes for the following reasons :-

  1. it is an ideal mechanism to use leverage to the maximum advantage.... through bank debt and tax incentives . Gearing - or using other people’s money - to invest in growth assets - is a key to growing your wealth.....which is why  property has been a succesful wealth creating strategy for many Australians over the years
  2. Australia is a stable sought after place to live - so demand for property in sought after areas should continue to be strong 
  3. There is a strong demand for properties in good areas 
  4. As a result  you should  get both rental returns and capital gains in the long term 

But - There is always a but

  • It’s all in the buying !!!
  • The right area
  • Near schools and stations
  • Quality Building .... 
  • where there is infrastructure
  • Demographic change and gentrification 

Over the years, we ( my family and our clients at Ark) have been fortunate in using Property as an asset class to build wealth ..... 

And I think the fundamentals of property investment is still solid .

Property Investment Forums? 

Are you interested in learning more about how best to invest in Property ? 

If so , I would like to  to explore these concepts at our finance forums over the next year.

Let me know