Happy Passover, Easter And Ramadan Mubarak

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As we celebrate Easter, Pesach and Ramadan Mubarak - throughout the world, we all reflect on the power of stories , community, tzedakah (charity)  and gratitude ! 

 It’s a time when families get together and celebrate life!!!  

It’s about the power of the dream!!

We are living in interesting times 

This Pesach is so meaningful to us on so many levels. 

We see the pain of our brothers and sisters and fellow humans inflicting pain on one another - why?? 

 With the magic of AI , chatgpt , web3 , instant communication and the metaverse promising great things (and some not so great things )!!  We live in an era of increasingly splendid machines and overpowering intelligences.   Can AI can be used to “amplify” humanity?  To truly grasp the technical  benefits we need to continue to explore fields like philosophy, psychology, history, fiction and story-telling .  

How do we “free ourselves” from slavery and achieve the freedom and happiness that we all strive for?   

Maybe through the sharing of stories , songs , family and friends?  focusing on gratitude, community, collaboration , connection and tzedakah (charity ) 

 Chag Sameach and happy Passover , Mubarak Ramadan and Happy Easter.