Here’s to 2024

As I travel to my first day of work  on 2 January 2024,and reading new years message from my friend Guido Von Nispen and Herman Gyr from our I4J community,  I find  myself engulfed in an emotion of gratitude to be alive at this pivotal time in human history , surrounded by a cocoon of support of friends and family , in my adopted  country (Australia) that prides itself on being friendly, culturally diverse and relatively harmonious!  

(I know that’s really a long sentence!!) 

2023 was a year of significant change and challenges - and where there are challenges and problems  - for those savvy enough to overcome those challenges and solve those problems - come opportunities! 

My resolution for 2024 

  • Stay positive and surround myself with positive people who I know like and trust. 
  • Help people become the best version of themselves and in turn become the best version of myself through connection , collaboration and contribution - and help build on the amazing community that we have .
  • Radiate positive vibes!! 
  • Strive to energise rather than exhaust ( such a fine line to navigate!!) (I tend to exhaust…
  • Build rather than Battle 
  • Continue to Build on the solid foundation that has been laid 
  • Be grateful for the ability to choose - and with this important gift - choose wisely !! 
  • And of course lose 5kg!! 

Here's to a positive and  joyous 2024 filled with life, laughter and love !