"Women Becoming a Centre of Influence in the Future of Work" - gender diversity

 Gender Inequality for Women in Government Organisations - Unconscious Bias in the workplace - and “Dress for Success”

Kala and Denise host Anne-Marie, Leesa,  Fiona and Eleni who share their stories on gender inequality in the workplace - how they have survived and thrived - the Dress for Success Programme and where to from here 

click her for the playlist 



Some of the takeouts

Clare Edwards: www.brain-smart.com workshop is 'Getting to Grips with Unconscious Bias'

00:28:10 Odile Faludi: 10

00:28:15 Samantha Webster (she/her): 10

00:28:15 Pete: 10

00:28:16 John Porter - Spectrum Automation: 10

00:28:17 Clare Edwards: 11

00:28:17 Neil Macdonald: 10

00:28:17 Karen Chaston: 10

00:28:19 Laurin Norwood: 10

00:28:19 Joanna Cruickshank: 10

00:28:19 cassandra: 10

00:28:20 Eleni Psillakis: 10

00:28:21 Judy Clark: 11

00:28:22 Katherine Singh: 10

00:28:22 dipika gandhi: 10

00:28:24 Rita Choueiri: 10

00:28:26 Matthew Brierley: 10

00:28:27 Conrad Caburian: 10

00:28:27 Alex Tarpkos: 10

00:28:28 Linda Matthews (she/her): 10

00:28:28 Craig Sounes: 10


00:28:33 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): 10.999999999999999999

00:49:17 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): It was only 11 years ago when the Prime Minister and Minister for Women said “When the housewives of Australia need to understand as they do the ironing is that if they get it done commercially it’s going to up in price, and their own power bills when they switch the iron on, are going to go up”

00:49:30 Ivan Kaye: I have created a post on linkedin where I will be posting insights, please feel free to share your insights on the link

00:49:32 Ivan Kaye: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ivankayebsi_genderdiversity-activity-6805982833363054592-VK97

00:49:51 Imy Banaken: Growth and moving forward -- language that influence our subconscious behavior.

00:51:11 Georgie Turner: As an Aboriginal sociologist who specialises in behaviour difference I am keen to link with Leesa

00:51:40 Imy Banaken: To be an ambassador of change, you have to take charge.

00:54:04 Samantha Webster (she/her): If you have not seen the speech by our former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, it demonstrates the steep curve of change that is ahead of us in Australia. I watched a solo dance performance last week who depicted the violence, bullying and deep rooted misogyny that was aimed at our own PM. This is not a women’s issue, We have to have men walking along side us and offering up new role models beyond privileged anglo saxon masculine leadership styles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCNuPcf8L00

00:56:24 Samantha Webster (she/her): Inter generational Trauma is live and present :(

01:00:24 Leesa Tongoulidis: Yes, agree trauma informed workplaces and leaders will go a long way to help to shift the conversation and economic outcomes for women, indigenous and men. Once you hear these stories, you can't unhear them.

01:01:11 Leesa Tongoulidis: Colonialism shaped the system

01:01:20 Neil Macdonald: All change starts with yourself

01:01:31 Ivan Kaye: how do you ensure the gender gap is closed #respect #safety ? sexual harrasment - jokes, pictures, inappropriate contact,..... unequal bias - unequal representation in leadership roles , mucho culture roles .... lack of understanding .... seek to understand before wanting to be understood

01:01:58 Ivan Kaye: be the change you want to be in the world (was that Bob Marley?

01:02:05 Samantha Webster (she/her): and in order to fit in and survive amongst the male dominated cohort, women take on the macho behaviour and have historically not felt safe to speak up and speak out

01:02:34 Clare Edwards: Ghandi (though we love Bob!)

01:02:35 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): When speaking out against inappropriate jokes and comments often leads to comments such as “you are being too sensitive”

01:03:14 Samantha Webster (she/her): Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi

01:03:15 Leesa Tongoulidis: Agree, we have been grooming women for leadership roles on the basis that they need to conform to masculine norms.

01:04:49 Samantha Webster (she/her): Woem need to also show the solidarity to one another the way men do. We throw each other under the bus constantly :(

01:04:58 Samantha Webster (she/her): women

01:05:34 Craig Saphin: Samantha - I agree.  The recent Janine Hendry initiative is a perfect example.

01:06:30 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Speaking out and reporting harassment in the workplace can mean trusting the system

01:06:42 Samantha Webster (she/her): Whistleblowing does not always serve the individual - speaking from lived experience.

01:06:57 Ivan Kaye: people just want to feel #safe in the workplace ...

01:07:05 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): The system protects the system before the victim

01:07:11 Ivan Kaye: we are all different and we all have something great to bring

01:07:36 Judy Clark: Martin, that is the problem. Women do not trust the system, for good reason.

01:08:39 Imy Banaken: Believe in your role.

01:08:44 Samantha Webster (she/her): Well done Ann Marie for staying on the journey and having enough resilience . Is he is pugalear?

01:09:03 Ivan Kaye: coming to sydney from sa - huge change - and huge challenges - how did AM cope !! WHY AM I HERE - I believe in the role, myself and that I can help people. I love my job, and am lucky to be where I am and the opportunities that have come my way!!

01:09:07 Judy Clark: Cute puppy

01:09:22 Ivan Kaye: being appreciative and grateful… hugely powerful

01:09:42 Clare Edwards: Self-care is often  under estimated for staying resilient as a leader

01:09:51 Samantha Webster (she/her): This is my pup TED

01:10:20 Leesa Tongoulidis: Learning and understanding systemic wisdom from all indigenous cultures is key to restoration and creation of a balanced workplace and society. No cookie cutter solutions, diversity of thought, neurodivergent teams are an enabler of change - we know this. Sharing stories, changes the system. Whoever is holding the message stick controls the conversation.

01:10:35 Neil Macdonald: Fully agree @clare Edwards, especially so in the current highly stressed environment

01:11:22 Samantha Webster (she/her): That has transformed nursing homes too during lock down.

01:11:48 Leesa Tongoulidis: Mentoring is a fabulous tool for change.

01:12:31 Samantha Webster (she/her): Amazing Dreamtime garden project :)

01:12:39 Ivan Kaye: be sure to share your insight here https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ivankayebsi_genderdiversity-activity-6805982833363054592-VK97

01:12:45 Leesa Tongoulidis: Fantastic

01:12:47 elana: Thanks great listening in must fly on to my next meeting. Special thanks to Ivan for inviting me.

01:13:30 Ivan Kaye: @denise helped implement the project Kala was talking about - creating a garden b inmates

01:14:45 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Welcome Fiona

01:16:00 Ivan Kaye: welcome Fiona

01:17:37 Samantha Webster (she/her): Can we expand the speaker view so we can see Fiona more?

01:17:40 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Impactful statement “The truth is in the data”

01:19:01 Kala Philip: We will taking questions from the audience for our Q&A. Feel free to post your questions for the panel on chat.

01:19:24 pauloliver: Thanks to the speakers for their excellent presentations and to Ivan for organising, I have another engagement at 9am.

01:20:31 Samantha Webster (she/her): Survey data often illustrates the resentment of quotas and targets, yet it IS the only way we can measure change and balancing power structures.

01:22:58 Leesa Tongoulidis: We design the workplace, jobs and careers based on patriachial operating models, and masculine norms. Quotas don't solve the systemic bias.

01:23:25 Samantha Webster (she/her): Critical Mass Essential - for role modelling, collaboration, like mindedness, safety and security.

01:23:28 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Structural barriers perpetuate systemic bias

01:23:44 Samantha Webster (she/her): Well done @fionalove

01:23:56 Clare Edwards: Especially in STEM related indsutry

01:25:46 Kala Philip: Using procurement as a method to diversify workforce

01:25:47 Jenny Vaz: Loving the social requirement. It reduces unconscious bias, forces critical thinking and expansion in resourcing

01:25:59 Ivan Kaye: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ivankayebsi_kala-philip-and-fiona-love-sharing-the-charge-activity-6805992313345732608-uAfn

01:26:02 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Ethical and social procurement has been around for over 20 years. It needs to move beyond box ticking

01:26:17 Samantha Webster (she/her): Come over to Perth @fionalove and talk to our leaders over here, especially the mining and resources mob who utilise mass trains for their ports and delivery of resources.

01:26:52 Georgie Turner: Understanding how Aboriginal people learn best is key.  My people learn by apprenticeship by peer mentoring.

01:27:13 Samantha Webster (she/her): Agree @martinstark but it is a movement in itself. Unless you are fulfilling RAP intentions, many orgs don’t look beyond the loudest/shiniest suppliers :(

01:27:29 Jenny Vaz: why quotas are needed in hiring practices.

01:28:40 Ivan Kaye: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ivankayebsi_kala-philip-and-fiona-love-sharing-the-charge-activity-6805992313345732608-uAfn

01:28:43 Leesa Tongoulidis: Given the lived experience of women in general, first nations people, marginalised groups including refugees - are experts in navigating complexity and chaos. Its not about education or knowledge. When you listen to their stories, courage, resiliency, creativity, collaboration, care, empathy and compassion are all the skills of the future....so why aren't we tapping into it ? Great points Fiona.

01:29:13 Neil Macdonald: unconsious bias is much more prevalent than we acknowledge and understand.

01:29:15 Clare Edwards: Such  a good point @Leesa

01:29:40 Kala Philip: Creating allies.

01:29:46 Georgie Turner: if there is more understanding and acceptance of behavioural difference between collective and individual societies and how to work include the needs of both groups - more people will rise through the ranks

01:29:46 Clare Edwards: If we have a brain, we are biased

01:30:17 Ivan Kaye: @clare - I think I agree

01:30:24 Samantha Webster (she/her): First Nations Peoples have navigated and negotiated with fairness and integrity for 1000’s of years. We refuse to believe their teachings are worth elevating and integrating into our western anglo saxon derived culture.

01:30:29 Jenny Vaz: love that!!

01:30:44 Clare Edwards: I'm referring to Unconscious Bias - it's a neurobiological thing

01:30:54 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Trailblazers create a pathway of opportunity for others

01:31:22 Kala Philip: No fear of failure in leadership.

01:31:24 elana: great to rejoin you

01:31:33 Judy Clark: Women who work in non traditional industries have to do twice as good to get half as far.

01:31:56 Judy Clark: Great presentation Fiona

01:31:57 Jenny Vaz: we have the opportunity to encourage the ambition in women

01:32:33 Joanna Cruickshank: 10

01:32:34 Neil Macdonald: 10

01:32:35 Eleni Psillakis: 10

01:32:35 Katherine Singh: 10

01:32:36 Conrad Caburian: 10

01:32:37 Judy Clark: 10

01:32:37 Pete: 10

01:32:38 dipika gandhi: 10

01:32:39 Julia Schick: 10

01:32:41 Alex Tarpkos: 10

01:32:43 John Porter - Spectrum Automation: 10

01:32:45 Georgie Turner: 10 awesome

01:32:45 Ria Sharma: 10

01:32:47 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): 10

01:32:52 Rita Choueiri: 10

01:33:43 Leesa Tongoulidis: 10

01:34:37 Leesa Tongoulidis: Amazing organisation

01:35:14 Samantha Webster (she/her): The work DFS is doing to support the Trans community is amazing also :)

01:35:18 Samantha Webster (she/her): mute please

01:37:28 Samantha Webster (she/her): Prison Proportionally dominated by our Aboriginal women and girls sadly.

01:37:54 Jenny Vaz: the discrimination is staggering

01:39:07 Leesa Tongoulidis: Great Storytelling Eleni

01:39:22 Craig Sounes: That is just so terrible to hear Eleni!

01:39:27 Ivan Kaye: applying for a job - after having a previous offence - how do you help people who want to put their best foot forward

01:39:33 Leesa Tongoulidis: We have a past, but we are not our pasr...

01:39:33 Jenny Vaz: indeed

01:40:43 Georgie Turner: Having a record eliminates you from so much

01:40:43 Alex Tarpkos: Agree, such a fine line

01:40:51 Clare Edwards: There's a fine line between blue and green

01:40:56 DavisA: love the blue and green analogy

01:41:26 Samantha Webster (she/her): Society has been hiring criminals for decades aka CEOs CFOs blah blah…only 1 white collar employee was ever imprisoned for the corruption during the global financial crash. Privilege and embezzlement = scot free!

01:41:26 Ivan Kaye: hope this is ok!https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ivankayebsi_applying-for-a-job-after-having-a-previous-activity-6805996740135792640-9Uvl

01:41:41 Judy Clark: You are a shining light for such an important cause Eleni. Eloquent speaker.

01:42:10 Jenny Vaz: gosh

01:42:10 Judy Clark: Well said Samantha Webster

01:42:26 dipika gandhi: Amazing journey Eleni- thanks for sharing this

01:43:18 Judy Clark: 41 women who’s lives have been changed. Well done you.

01:43:25 Samantha Webster (she/her): REDUCE BARRIERS!! Australia builds 2% social housing. Hong Kong 50%; UK 30%….We Have To Do Better and share the wealth and provide affordable shelter and support.

01:43:33 Ivan Kaye: what are the things we can do to make a change

01:43:41 Kala Philip: $1000   Transform a woman’s future with six months of one-on-one career coaching, resume drafting support, interview preparation, access to digital career support workshops and webinars, connections to prospective employers and her new killer interview outfit. Plus, a full weeks wardrobe when she gets the job.

$350   - Provides the support a woman needs to move from welfare to the work – professional clothing and access to digital workshops, resume and mock interview support.

$200   - Provides a woman access to 6 one-on-one career coaching sessions with an accredited career coach.

$150   - Provides a woman a styling session with a fashion stylist and clothing and accessories for that all-important interview.

$50    - Provides a woman resume drafting and mock interview support to help her secure and nail that interview.

$25   - Provides a woman one-on-one resume drafting support with an HR / Recruitment Specialist.

01:43:57 Kala Philip: If you want to help, a link for donations is:


01:43:59 Leesa Tongoulidis: So many incarcerated people have a history of trauma and we keep retraumatising them with our systems..

01:44:27 Pete: They deserve a second chance

01:44:37 Samantha Webster (she/her): Count Me In as a Career Coach @eleni

01:44:41 Leesa Tongoulidis: Thank you

01:45:28 Laurin Norwood: Thank you Eleni, thank you for sharing your story.

01:45:49 Leesa Tongoulidis: Dress for Success

01:45:51 Judy Clark: Dress for Success

01:45:55 Jenny Vaz: Dress for Success

01:45:55 DavisA: Dress for Success

01:46:01 elana: Dress for success

01:46:07 cassandra: Dress for success

01:46:10 Eva Freedman: dress for success

01:46:19 Katherine Singh: Dress for sucess

01:46:22 Pete: Dress for success

01:46:23 Karen Chaston: Dress for success

01:46:35 Samantha Webster (she/her): I am doing this with Refugees in Australia. So many people are doing it tough in such a rich and privileged country

01:47:32 Kristy Walsh: So sorry I am having technical issues and will be unable to join the breakout sessions. Thank you for enabling me to join today.

01:48:00 Eleni Psillakis: eleni.psillakis@dfssydney.org

01:48:55 elana: elana@planerter.com

01:49:18 Denise Archie: Taking Charge and Creating Change

01:51:10 dipika gandhi: I am using the other computer to join as the speaker does not function. So will leave this link session

01:51:26 Pete: same here

01:51:41 Pete: I will stay on here

02:09:41 Pete: 10

02:09:42 Samantha Webster (she/her): 50

02:09:42 Neil Macdonald: 10

02:09:43 Joanna Cruickshank: 10

02:09:45 Allison Davis: 10

02:09:45 Leesa Tongoulidis: 10

02:09:46 kalpeshgandhi: 10

02:09:47 Karen Chaston: 10

02:09:47 Eleni Psillakis: 10

02:09:47 Laurin Norwood: 10

02:09:49 Clare Edwards: 10

02:09:49 elana: 10

02:09:49 Nola Turner-Jensen: amazing 11

02:09:49 John Porter - Spectrum Automation: 10

02:09:51 Jenny Vaz: 11

02:09:51 Rita Choueiri: 10

02:09:54 Ria Sharma: 10

02:09:59 Theresa Fuiava: 10

02:11:57 Ivan Kaye: remove barriers of inclusion - to get hired from an even playing field

02:12:06 Craig Sounes: I am bringing www.phoenix51.io to Australia do exactly that

02:12:18 Ivan Kaye: Joanna - an opportunity to work with project for dress for success

02:12:26 Ivan Kaye: passing judgement is not cool!

02:13:02 Ivan Kaye: walk the talk - lead by exmple

02:13:16 Judy Clark: Thanks Samantha. Good chat

02:14:20 Ivan Kaye: kala thinktank - Michael situation with daughter - she had to shrink to fit in - be courageous - unconscious biass with kids as we’ll…. keep chatting in the forefront

02:14:32 Ivan Kaye: rob - communication collaboration and dialogue

02:15:02 Ivan Kaye: we need to talk about change - and have proper representation from parts of society

02:15:26 Ivan Kaye: a key thing to do is to Listen and take action!! leading buy example - leaders being role models, accountability from the top

02:15:32 Imy Banaken: Walk the talk.

Lead by example.

Start accountability from the top.

02:15:47 Nola Turner-Jensen: We need to teach parents how to mentor to create empathy kids.

02:16:18 Ivan Kaye: julia - redefining leadership traits and qualities - more based don the soft skills - vulnerability , resilience, empathy, listening

02:16:19 Clare Edwards: Create an environment of psychological safety

02:16:27 Judy Clark: Redefining leaders - find new ways to lead by giving women a voice.

02:16:29 Ivan Kaye: language to use with next generation

02:16:46 Imy Banaken: Empower the children to be courageous.

02:18:03 Jenny Vaz: love that Denise :)

02:18:30 Imy Banaken: Define the problem.

02:18:42 Imy Banaken: TO | GET | HER

02:18:53 Ivan Kaye: together - a line after to and get - to get her - make playing field

02:18:54 Leesa Tongoulidis: Love that

02:19:06 Ivan Kaye: confront - confidence to front up

02:19:18 Nola Turner-Jensen: In Aboriginal culture we teach collective first. We do not encourage leadership - we believe we are born with obligations to serve past resent and future generations.  We do not believe in rights - we believe in obligation and honour

02:19:19 Imy Banaken: Con | front

- CONfidence to FRONT up.

02:20:26 Jenny Vaz: @Nola, I hear and see leadership in there. And taking care of tribe.

02:20:29 Judy Clark: Yes, collective society’s traditionally do not highlight leadership. Something to look at. Equality for all

02:21:46 Allison Davis: sorry need to leave, great discussions and would love to get the audio if possible.

02:21:52 Clare Edwards: A great reminder - gender also = intersex/non binary/trans etc. not just male and female

02:22:00 Michael Bartura: Apologies I have another meeting I need to attend.  Great and inspiring session!

02:22:25 Craig Sounes: sorry i need to go. thanks so much everyone!

02:23:16 Judy Clark: Perhaps we should find a mentor for men to learn how to be inclusive. How to let go of power and patriarchal ways.

02:23:29 Imy Banaken: - Diversity

- Training

- Comfortable with uncertainty

- Removing the stigma of fear

- Change is ongoing

- Lifting the focus on leadership

- Supporting women

- See the person for who they are and what they can bring to the table

02:24:39 Leesa Tongoulidis: Learning, Unlearning, Relearning Different Ways, for Different Days.

02:25:29 Judy Clark: Let’s embrace and respect our differences

02:25:43 Clare Edwards: Our brains can't multitask - they just switch so the quality of everything suffers! :-)

02:26:24 Joanna Cruickshank: Fantastic session thank you.  I must go to another meeting.  Looking to next forum

02:26:46 Martin Stark (He/Him/His): Encourage ambition and support sparks action and achievement

02:28:44 Anne Marie: Best wishes to all. Keep well.

02:29:10 Neil Macdonald: Great session, thanks to everyone for their contribution.

02:29:45 Judy Clark: Very little mentioned about Australia’s two tier education system. Interested to know if others feel it is part of the problem.

02:30:12 Kala Philip: Thank you everyone for your time today.

02:30:22 Clare Edwards: Thank you everyone - very informative and enlightening. Go well, stay safe.

02:30:52 Laurin Norwood: Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this conversation. It was very informative.

02:30:57 Jenny Vaz: great Forum. Would have loved to have a longer breakout room.. we had just got started :)

02:30:57 kalpeshgandhi: Great session. Very informative, and thank you to all for sharing your journey. Loved the entire session very enriching.

02:31:02 elana: Thanks Ivan for inviting me. Thanks for all the wonderful insights

02:31:05 Eleni Psillakis: Thank you everyone for listening to understand and not to judge .. what I hope all women experience

02:31:11 Judy Clark: Thank you. Great conversations. I must go. Thank you for the invite Ivan. Much appreciated.

02:31:58 cassandra: thanks all, great forum.

02:32:09 kalpeshgandhi: Thank you Ivan, Kala and Denise and all speakers and participants.

02:32:18 Pete: Thanks all for the great talks!

02:32:34 kalpeshgandhi: I have another engagement to attend. Will leave now.

02:32:54 Conrad Caburian: This was a great session. Sorry I need to go now. Have a great day, everyone!

02:35:57 Jenny Vaz: “effing way round”

02:36:28 Clare Edwards: Systems vs context and story - it's the wrong way round!

02:36:50 Ivan Kaye: Elana - we are not alone