Life is like a Mirror - be do have - in no particular order

Feeling philosophical .... while thinking about what to write about the year that’s just gone “from the desk of Ivan Kaye 2020” 

Just turned 60 and got my seniors card!!!!

Can now travel on public transport for $2.50 per day ......also did a major clean out of my cupboard and a pre 2021 shop yesterday !!!

The BFO - (Blinding Flash of the Obvious)

Here is an insight that hit me between the eyes like a BFO (a blinding flash of the obvious)

Life is like a mirror .... you give what you get!! if you are nice to yourself and love yourself and believe you are  successful - people around you will be nice to you and love you and think you are  successful! If you feel  happy and successful - this will emanate around you - and make those around you feel happy and successful 

You really are the master of your own destiny!

If you be and do - you will have 

So....Note to self 

Do what makes me  happy. I am responsible for my happiness, and I owe it to myself. Happiness is a choice. I can be happy  any time, I just need to choose to be! And if I am  are happy - it will make those around me happy .....

 .... look and feel what you want to be .....

Happy and successful people attract happy and successful people! 

So what are some things that I  can do to be nice!

Look after vendors, suppliers, staff, waiters, waitresses and those that serve you - they are trying to do the best for their families.

Give generously with  money, gratitude and compliments! 

Appreciate people giving compliments to you -  just say "Thank You" - it makes them feel good 

Listen to old folks tell  the same story hundreds of times. It makes them feel good

Life is like a mirror!!! People will react to you the way you react to them!! 

Some home truths

 The world does not depend on me ... whether I’m around or not .... the world will continue 

 Its ok for people not to do things my way - there are lots of ways - many of them better than mine! Perfection is an illusion

Its ok to have messed on my shirt. It shows I have enjoyed a meal!!

It’s ok to be immature - people don’t want me to be perfect! 

It’s ok to be emotional - it makes me human.

Live each day as if it's the last. After all, it might be the last.