15 gems on saving time and avoiding procrastination

  1. Plan your day 
  2. Focus on minutes - there are 1400 in each day make each of them count 
  3. Transfer your to do list into your diary
  4. Set your priorities - split into 4ds - do it , delegate it, defer it or dump it 
  5. Delegate most of your activities - Create job schedules and task lists for people and allocate times for them (expertential )
  6. Work on 1st 2 “do its” first thing on the morning
  7. Time block for leisure - balance your life 
  8. Write everything down - get rid of mind chatter
  9. Meetings - all to stand up - keep them short and sharp
  10. Say “no” if it’s not focussed on what you want to achieve
  11. Use Pareto’s 80/20 rule - focus on doing the 20pc
  12. If something’s gonna take 10 minutes to complete, do we t immediately
  13. Excercise every morning as a ritual - walk, yoga, Pilates, gym
  14. Maximise energy to maximise productivity - plan short breaks during day and be sure to eat properly 
  15. Celebrate wins and reward yourself