What are you passionate about?

You can tell who the people are who are putting real love, dedication and enthusiasm into their everyday life and day-to-day work – feeling excited at whatever it is they do, at helping people, be truly listening and understanding.

That passion and zeal you cannot fake: genuine interest in the other, in the task at hand; a love for what you and your business can do for others. To have done the best for those interacted with, wholeheartedly.

Enthusiasm: It’s catching! Passion its infectious. 

Watch kids (hey, or grown-ups!) run through big fat puddles or the sprinkler with joy for life. 

Watch the Beatles/Elton John/Adele perform and how their fans react

Watch Anthony Robbins perform in front of 10,000 fans

Listen to Alan Jones on the radio

Be at a Terry Kew mastermind for coaches or a John Maxwell leadership seminar

Go into a Zimmermann shop and look at their garments 

Eat at a Jaime Oliver restaurant 

Passion is at play here, and we cannot help but connect to it emotionally.

Passion is one of the keys – if not the key – to making anything flourish. And you do not have to be an extrovert to show your passion: quiet enthusiasm and commitment to your interests, work and clients works just as well.

Passion is the key to Success

Passion is contagious. 

People buy (into) not your ideas, product or service as such, but your personality and your passion. 

They buy into the  "why" of what you do and stand for. Be it in your business, an interview, at home. 

People will often buy your passion and enthusiasm over and above the most polished, but dispassionate product or presentation.

So, before any important business or sales meeting, before that interview: Stop. Think. Smile. Be Real, Be Your Passionate Self.

Being genuine, engaged, authentic and caring – and a real person rather than a persona – in your business dealings, you will achieve your X factor; you will have better client relationships and better clients; you will do better business. 

And, importantly, you will enjoy what you do!!

* How do passion and enthusiasm influence what you do?
* How important is authenticity and passion to your business? 
* Dies your passion shine through - are the right people attracted to you?

Inspired by Daniela Cavalletti is the dynamic founder of international communications agency Cavalletti Communications (affectionately known as CavaCom).