It's all about the customer ......

Inspired by Roger Hamilton 

Your business doesn't start when you have a product...... It starts when you have a customer....

Before it was all about the product and flogging what you made! 

The 21st Century puts the customer fairly and squarely in control!!

It's about "customisation vs productisation "

The right way!!!

Pain: What is the customers pain?
Product: do you have a pain killer or vitamin to solve that pain
Trust: does your customer  trust you? 

Don't build a product with the expectation that the customer will use your product....
The customer will find his own way - with or without your product!

Focus on the customer experience and your product will change to fit with what they want.

"Get closer than ever to your customer, so close that you tell them what they want before they realise it" - steve jobs

The Key to success is for your customers to love you and what you stand for.... Give your customers what they want and you will get what you want!